Thursday, February 20, 2025

Top 10 Massive Changes in the BGMI 2.6 Update

Krafton, a South Korean video gaming company has officially announced that Battleground Mobile India (BGMI) is all set to make a comeback in India after its long ban for almost 10 months. There are many massive changes in the BGMI 2.6 update. Let us discuss the Top 10 Massive Changes in the BGMI 2.6 update.

Battleground Mobile India (BGMI), a most awaited multiplayer online battle game is now back in India and it has again stolen every gamer’s attention out there.

Battleground Mobile India(BGMI) is an Indian version of the highly popular online multiplayer battle royale game also called Players Unknown Battleground(PUBG). Within a very short period of time, this game has undergone a huge growth in the gaming community. Gaming tournaments like esports can be played in this game annually. 

BGMI is now available in both the android and also on IOS devices. On 28th July 2022, BGMI got more than 130+ million downloads on the Google Play Store app.

The Indian Government had recently put a ban on BGMI on 28 July 2022, due to few security reasons. Officials had stated that the game is leaking important info and details of players to many other countries. Currently the Indian Government has rebanned it temporarily. This will help to monitor the status of the game closely. This also helps to verify if any data is leaking or not. If Krafton passes all these conditions, then the Indian government will officially announce furtherly to  lift the ban permanently.

Top 10 Massive Changes in BGMI 2.6 Update 

Here is a list of top 10 Massive Changes in BGMI 2.6 update.

  • New professional bots
  • Monster and Mirando trucks in Erangel Map
  • New Petrol Pump
  • Vehicle Storage
  • New Melee Pump
  • New Ports are included in the Erangel Map
  • New guns in the BGMI’s Map
  • Trams in Stalber
  • New cycle in BGMI
  • Transform Button

New Professional Bots

Generally, bots are the computer players who are considered as the weakest enemies to target in the game. But after the BGMI 2.6 update, this thing has come to end . In this latest version, Krafton has now updated bots in driving a car, bringing their teammates, and also to revive them. 

Additionally, bots can also peak, heal, jump and smoke which was impossible in the previous version of BGMI. Anyhow, bots are like professional players, they are now built to give a fight and also to make the game more competitive.

Monster and Mirando Trucks in Erangel Map

Mirado is the fastest car in BGMI made up of a convertible top. This can be opened and closed any time by just using a button displayed on the game screen. This car attains a maximum speed of 167 Km and is only present in the BGMI’s Miramar map. 

After the BGMI 2.6 Update by Krafron, it is likely expected that Mirado would be seen on the roads of Erangel. If BGMI succeeds in bringing this supercar to the Erangel map, then there is no doubt in the future that they will collaborate with many other supercar brands.

Monster trucks seen on the livik roads also will be included in the Erangel Map.

Also,Read – How to Change Profile Picture in BGMI: A Step to Step Guide

New Petrol Pump

Petrol pumps are now upgraded to refuel the car and also helpful in collecting the loot. Place your car in the yellow marked area and you will be asked for a token. This makes the car refuel automatically.

Vehicle Storage

Excessive guns, health kits and grenades can now be stored in the vehicle storage. This is so realistic and allows you to store more weapons in the car storage.

New Melee Weapon

A permanent latest weapon is added known as Melee weapon. It helps to face an enemy in the absence of guns. Melee weapons also cause damage to the enemy and the game play brings many changes with this.

New Ports in the Erangel Map

A new port is included just below the Sosnovka Military Base. This helps the players to navigate to the other side of the map if they get stuck in the zone of game play.

Krafton also included a set of ports located just at the side of the bridge between the Ferry Pier and Sosnovka MilitaryBase. 

New Guns in the BGMI Map

Honey Badger and Famas latest guns were included in the game after the BGMI 2.6 update. Honey Badger is one of the latest gunn in the BGMI. Famas is a new one which is seen only in the Erangel map and in the Livik map, but the BGMI 2.6 update made this Famas gun available in the Erangel map also.

Trams in Stalber

The trams from the winter soldier update are made permanent in BGMI. Players can easily move through Yasnaya, Stalber and also through Severny by using these trams or cable cabins.

New Cycle in BGMI

On the 4th anniversary of BGMI, a new cycle named Mountain Bike was added to the game. After the BGMI 2.6 update, Krafton decided to make this Mountain bike permanent in the BGMI. Players can easily find it from its spawn location and grab this mountain bike.

Transform Button

Usually After getting knocked out by an enemy, players are only allowed to spectate their teammate or they tend to leave the game. But with this BGMI 2.6 update, players can transform themselves into a robot of their team and also be allowed to roam around the map till your teammate is alive on the battlefield.

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