Telegram is going to launch its new Telegram stories feature soon! The famous messaging app will now be available with stories feature just as the other messaging apps like Instagram. Now, telegram users will be able to share their thoughts, feelings, their daily activities as videos or photos through telegram stories. But is this feature for every telegram user? Unfortunately no! The new telegram stories feature will be available only for the premium subscribers. 

Telegram Stories Feature will let the users post their likely videos and photos which disappear after sometime. Telegram is working on such features to compete with its competitors and stand top of all. Telegram gives an option to users to select their story disappearance timing as 6, 12, 14, 24 or 48 hours at present. As seen so far most apps offer 24 hours of story visibility. 

According to Pavel Dorov, CEO of telegram, the new telegram stories feature will be rolled out this month (July). But there is no confirmation about the new telegram stories feature for free users. How to post stories on telegram? Well, it's pretty simple! As the telegram stories feature is available only for premium users, there will be a + icon on the top of the chat.

You just need to click on the plus icon and select the video or photo you like to post as a story and finally post it. It's so simple and similar to other apps. Also, this new telegram stories feature for premium users offers viewers selection. This means you can select only those people whom you like to allow your story visibility. Just like the meta owned whatsapp the new Instagram stories feature also has viewer selection.

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Just like whatsapp you will find it viewable only to contacts, everyone or a list selected by you. Also you can hide your telegram story by selecting the contacts and putting them in a hidden list. Along with videos and photos you can add tags and texts to your stories which makes your telegram stories more attractive. As said you will have different expedition options like 6, 12, 24 and 48 hours. Also just as Instagram where you can keep your story permanently as story highlights, telegram also offers the same feature.

Hopefully, this new telegram stories feature will increase the telegram user base. But as the telegram stories feature is available only for premium users this might keep a limitation on its usage. It's not sure that the new telegram stories feature will be available for free users or not but if available then it will be a great plus point to all telegram users. Hope this post was helpful to you.