#Google Map

Google Maps Introduces Food Feature for Restaurant Explorations
Google Maps Introduces Food Feature for Restaurant Explorations
Good news, everyone! Google Maps just got even cooler. Now, when you look for restaurants, it not only tells you which ones are nearby but also shows pictures of the yummy food they have! Seeing Food Before You Go Imagine tapping on a restaurant and, voila! You can see pictures of the food they serve. […]
Google Maps Unleashes 3D Building Magic on App and Android Auto
Google Maps Unleashes 3D Building Magic on App and Android Auto
Google Maps is introducing 3D building views to its navigation mode on Android Auto, transforming the user experience. This feature, which is currently in its testing phase, offers a more immersive and realistic representation of the environment, particularly beneficial in urban landscapes. Users can activate the 3D layer within the app before initiating navigation and […]
How to Clear Google Maps Search History 
How to Clear Google Maps Search History 
If you have toggled on your location data, Google will keep watching you wherever you go. Unless you turn off, Google records every pin point of information about you, starting from where you’ve been coming and going to what you've been searching for. This might be a useful way to find locations you’ve been searched […]