Saturday, February 8, 2025

Realme 9i Getting Android 13 Based UI 4.0 Update – Apply Now

Realme 9i gets 4.0 update: Realme 4.0 update based on android 13 operating system has been rolled out on realme 9i. Not only realme 9i there are some others as well which got the realme 4.0 update. The Realme company tested the updates beta version on recent realme 10 laters moved to its older models which includes realme 9, realme 9i etc. 

It’s been announced by the company that the realme 4.0 update is rolled out on realme 9i which is an early access to android 13. At present the realme 4.0 update has its boundaries over a few users but hoping that it will break its boundaries soon. All the realme users can now make use of the new features which are expected to come along with the realme 4.0 update.

Bringing android 13 to realme smartphones like realme 9i brings many enhancements along with it. These includes enhancement in 4 main areas:

  • Design
  • Interaction 
  • Fluidity
  • Security

All these Android 13 features on realme 9i and other realme smartphones as a realme 4.0 update will have a great user experience. This new update provides a greater safety and privacy to the realme users especially to the younger generation.

Apart from the 4 mentioned above the android 13 based realme 4.0 update on realme 9i and other models has more features as well. You can create your own avatars using the new omoji virtual avatars feature by the new update. Also you get new skins with various colors and also nearly 30 icons.

Now all the realme users, especially the realme 9i users, can access multiple apps upto 18 apps without unlocking their phone. A feature given by the android based realme 4.0 update. Hopefully, this new realme 4.0 update on realme 9i and other smartphones will be more beneficial to all realme users. 

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