Bihar School Examination Board(BSEB) releases admit cards for students appearing in the 12th Bihar board exams every year. For the 12th board exams to be held in January 2023, the BSEB has already released the class 12 practical exam admit card 2023 and plans to release admit cards for BSEB class 12 theoretical exams on January 16, 2023, and will be available until January 31, 2023.
Many students often get confused and waste their precious time reading, searching and downloading the admit cards. We’re here to get you the easiest guide on “how to download the Bihar Board 12th admit card 2023” and the things easily done.
Table of Contents
Steps to Download BSEB 12th Class Admit Card 2023
The admit card for 12th class examinations is generally available on their official website and Candidates can download them or else schools can do the same and distribute them to their students.
Follow the below given easiest guide to download the Bihar Board 12th admit card.
Step 1: Go to the Bihar Board Official Website
Open your browser and visit Bihar School Examination Board(BSEB).
Step 2: Open up the Intermediate Section
After you've visited the site, you can soon notice the "Student Section" on the side tab. Click on it and scroll down to find the "Intermediate Section" on the same page.
Step 3: Search for the link available for Downloading Admit Card
If the board has released the admit cards for class 12, a link will be provided to download them conveniently.
Step 4: Enter your details to get your Admit Card
Once you've spotted the link, click on it. This action will redirect you to a page where you need to enter the data such as name, registration number and the student’s date of birth.
Step 5: Download your Admit Card for the 12th Board Exams
Click on the search button, it displays your admit card for the 12th board exams. Click on the download option. Take a problem out of the BSEB admit card for 12th class 2023.
Details disclosed on Bihar Board 12th Admit Card 2023
The details of the student and the information related to the 12th board exams will be mentioned on their BSEB dummy admit card. Some common details include;
- Name of the school and school code
- Student’s name
- Mother’s and father’s name
- Exam centre name
- Roll number
- Candidate category
- Gender
- Subject name
- Subject code
- Exam dates
- Exam centre name
- Centre code
- Exam timing
- Exam day instructions
- Signature of school head
- Signature of the controller of examinations
Correction of Error in Bihar Board 12th Admit Card 2023
After you've downloaded your admit card, cross-check for the details mentioned and be sure every section is error-free. If not, don't worry, get the same information from your respective school.
Also,Check - How to Download Bihar Board 10th Admit Card
Bihar School Examination Board looks for any errors brought to their notice by the respective schools, if they get any they correct them before publishing the final admit card.
How to download Bihar Board 12th Admit Card 2023 hustle-free and cross-checking it and report any error before the board publishes the final admit card, is all about our article.
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Frequently Asked Questions
Still, stuck somewhere? Here are a few queries to get your doubts clarified.
1. To whom should I report errors in the Bihar Board 12th Admit Card 2023?
To your school authority. The school authority collects all the errors and reports them to the Bihar board. The board will look after any reports from the schools, if they haven't got any the board will start to publish the final admit card.
2. When will Bihar Board 12th class admit cards be released?
The BSEB has already released the class 12 practical exam admit card 2023 and plans to release admit cards for BSEB class 12 theoretical exams on January 16, 2023, and will be available until January 31, 2023. As soon as the admit cards are available, you can download your admit card from the official website.
3. What is the official website to download admit cards for the 12th class?
The official website to download admit cards for the 12th class is and