The long wait is over, bihar board 12th results are out! The Bihar board has released the links for 12th or intermediate results on the official website.

Results were released over a press conference held today and officials stated that about 13L students attended the exam and about 83.70% people passed the examinations.

Students can check their results on the official website. Wondering how to? Here's how to check it,

Step-1: Visit the official website

Step- 2: Go to results

Step- 3: Enter student details (hall ticket number, DOB, and other it asks)

Step- 4: Press the view results

Step- 5: That's it!

Sometimes results may take more time to load, thus make sure you have a proper internet connection and have proper singles on your device.


Things to Keep in Mind While Searching Your Bihar Board 12th Results 

  • Enter your hall ticket number properly
  • DOB should be accurate
  • Crosscheck your results, before letting them out

Officials have also declared that girls aced the exam. Also all the Bihar Board Class 12th Arts, Science, and Commerce Result 2023 are live! This statement was made at 2pm today. And by now all the results must be live.