A new update for iPhones users! Now pronounce only Siri instead of Hey Siri to activate your iPhones smart assistant. We all know iPhones smart Assistant follows your command once you pronounce Hey Siri. But now it is reduced to Siri.
Changing the Hey Siri phrase to Siri to activate the Google assistant isn't an easy task, said Bloomberg's Mark Gurman. It requires a great AI training and a lot of engineering work as the smart assistant must take and understand the single word, Siri in different slangs and voices.
The company stated, they were working on the specific thing from the past few months and going to release the new update in the next year I.e, 2023 or 2024. It's difficult for the smart assistant to understand this 2 word phrase and like other competitors this two word phrase is not that comfortable.
Hence to compete with others like Amazon's Alexa which activates by only a single phrase called Alexa the Apple also thought to bring a chance in activating the smart assistant I.e, changing the Hey Siri phrase to Siri. This change can be beneficial to some but some may find it hectic as most iPhone users are habituated to the Hey Siri phrase.
Hey sire
He baby open firee fire he baby open intagram he open whatshp he baby open Facebook he baby calls he baby open gallery
Hey Siri open the free fire Hey open the YouTube hey Siri open the Instagram hey Siri open the Facebook hey Siri open the WhatsApp hey Siri open the gallery hey Siri open the Google
Leava a firee fire leava a Instagram
Hey Siri open the free fire Hey open the YouTube hey Siri open the Instagram hey Siri open the Facebook hey Siri open the WhatsApp hey Siri open the gallery hey Siri open the Google
Hey Siri open the free fire Hey open the YouTube hey Siri open the Instagram Hey H open the Facebook Hey open the WhatsApp hey Siri open the gallery hey Siri open the Google